Bettina Lyons Bettina Lyons

How to weaponize love languages

Why accidentally (or intentionally) weaponizing your partner’s love language could be a recipe for heartache.

Ah, love languages! The magical keys that unlock the doors to our hearts and, occasionally, to our favorite dessert spots. As a licensed marriage and family therapist, I’ve had my fair share of couples who’ve approached me with quizzical expressions, wondering why their partner insists on receiving love in a completely foreign language. Fear not, lovebirds, for today we’re digging into the world of weaponizing your partner’s love language – not to start World War III, but to create a more harmony.

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Bettina Lyons Bettina Lyons

How to listen like you mean it

How to listen like you mean it. “You’re not listening! I keep trying to tell you… “ or “You aren’t hearing me. How many times do I have to tell you…?” Do those sound familiar? Have you been the one to exclaim those types of statements? Or, have you been on the receiving end of those? Or maybe both. And, why does this happen in the first place?

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